
  • Controlling Ticks

    To most pet owners, the return of spring is a joyous occasion. The opportunity to spend quality time with your pet outdoors can be an exhilarating experience. Just be sure to watch out for some sneaky critters waiting to feast on your pet's blood! Everyone is well aware of the irritation that

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  • Client Survey

    Download & Print Client Survey If you do not already have AdobeReader® installed on your computer, Click Here to download. Please download the Client Survey, and fill in the requested information. You can either email, mail, fax, or hand in your completed survey.

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  • Understanding Pet Behavior

    Because our pets can not raise their paws and tell us when something is wrong, we as owners need to know what to watch for to know when our pet is ill. The Dog Scoot Boogie A dog dragging his hind end across the floor is his way of telling you his anal glands are full and need emptying. Anal glands

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  • Three Keys to Successful Potty Training for Your Dog

    Potty training your dog can be easy or difficult...the difference is in how much time and dedication you are willing to put into training. Follow these simple tips to get your puppy on the right path to accident-free living. Set a schedule: Decide on a schedule and stick to it. In a family situation

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  • Ferrets Can Be Furry Family Too

    Fragile Ferrets Entertain Families and Friends Your new family pet will provide you with entertainment and laughs as he or she climbs and crawls through tubes, hoses, boxes, clothing and pipes. Keeping your ferret safe and secure in your home is easy with a bit of advanced planning. Create or

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  • Family Friends Aren't Always Furry - Think of Feathery Friends!

    Transitioning a Bird into Your Home When including a bird of any size and species in your household, take time before the transition to prepare. Use these tips to welcome your new bird and create a happy experience for your family. Choose housing with bars or slats that are only half the width

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  • Printable Games & Puzzles

    Mac's Pet Word Search Pets in Space Scramble Cosmic Pets Crossword Puzzle

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  • Introducing Your First

    Pets aren't the only ones who need a little (or a lot) of help adjusting to life with a newborn. No matter how much you plan ahead, the addition of a new family member may be difficult for your pet. Remember, your dog or cat was your first "baby" and is used to being the center of your attention. So

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  • Wow! Thanks to all the staff at Anderson Vet Clinic. I feel like you all truly love what you do! My kitty, Lola and I always have such a pleasant experience when we come in. I would not leave Lola in anyone else’s hands but yours!

    - Maya Smith / Los Angeles, CA
  • I have benefited tremendously from the care my pet received from Dr. Anderson. I cannot thank him and his team enough for the treatment we received when my puppy suddenly became ill.

    - John Doe / San Diego, CA
  • Fabio wasn’t eating the food I was giving him. Thanks to Dr. Anderson, he evaluated Fabio and his current diet to make some recommendations. You clearly are an expert in your field...thanks so much!

    - Tara Brown / Kansas City, MO

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